[Official] Week 6 Game Thread: Tampa Bay Buccaneers @ New Orleans Saints

Tampa Bay Buccaneers @ New Orleans Saints

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  1. So when is DA getting fired? He’s a defensive coach and we can’t fucking tackle cover or rush ???

  2. What happened to Adebo man? I was a big fan of his after last season. Now he’s literally costing the Saints games

  3. Impromptu laterals, double reverse flea flickers, etc. Teams are just toying with our defense

  4. This is pathetic and unwatchable just toying with us now, stuck in the same 8-9,9-8, loop every year won’t get fixed until DA is fired. The Pass rush blows as well.

  5. Our defense is pretty healthy too. So DA’s “strength” has good health and still fucking sucks

  6. Yeah what a heinous act from granderson tackling that guy in a game about tackling. He should’ve just intentionally given someone a concussion instead that way he wouldn’t have been flagged

  7. Its crazy how both teams and the refs are all trying to give this to the bucs and it’s only a 14 point game. Normally when you set it to easy in madden you can stack points

  8. anyway besides week 1 & 2 this really shouldn’t be a surprise. You can only keep an elite defense going so long with aging stars & bargain bin FAs.

    Offense never really got a chance with our injuries this season

  9. Y’all act like Mickey Loomis didn’t dig our grave with no depth. One injury and we collapsed

  10. Been watching our pass rush get baited too deep all season. When is this going to be addressed?

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