After 5 seasons, 2 World Series, And a Rangers Championship; how have you came to feel about “The Globe”?

Me personally I love it. I really hated the idea of a new stadium at first. I felt like baseball was meant to be played outside, but after going to the new ballpark several times and making some really special memories, I love the place. I was in attendance for the Langford walk off slam against the Yankees, and I've never experienced anything like that before. How do you feel about the Globe?

  1. the first time I went, I couldn’t get over how it somehow feels more serious than the old place, like we mean business this time and aren’t the cartoon fuck-off franchise of the 70s anymore

  2. I really wish the roof would be open more often. I have attended many games and haven’t experienced it yet.
    Other than that, loving the stadium (and the AC!)

  3. It’s nice, I enjoy being able to enjoy summer baseball in comfort.  But I miss the atmosphere and character of the ballpark.

  4. It’s a nice stadium. Love the AC. I went to the old ballpark for a field trip and we all got sunburnt lmao 😂

  5. Pros: love the A/C when it’s needed. August games are doable for my family now that we aren’t getting roasted. The food is also really great and there are some gems that I get every time I go

    Cons: overuse of the roof early in the season. I think the humidity has more to do with it being closed when it’s only 80 outside, but it still sucks cause that stadium is 10x better with the roof open.

    I also think it’s a fairly generic looking stadium on the inside and very ugly on the outside with that giant silver roof. They tried to bring elements from GLP but it still feels like a shopping mall at times instead of a baseball stadium

  6. Pros: nice and cool

    Cons: it’s so dark inside. Seats feel so far away from the field. Expensive

  7. My first visit was on a rainy day. The dark clouds outside kinda made the inside a bit dark and overall felt odd, didn’t help that I sat in the home run section under the upper deck. So that shadow kinda made it darker.

    Other than that, love going during the summer and not sweating my balls off. Sure something still feels off but I will tell what, the people that I drag are complaining less and less about the heat which is great for me. Always felt bad seeing children and old people just burning up in the stands.

    I do prefer the older pro shop though. Although both are/were a bit chaotic and cramped

  8. Acoustics are terrible throughout the stadium. Great park with the roof open well below average with the roof closed. Food is generally mediocre but we did get better choices this year. Nice sight lines. All in all a downgrade from the Ballpark but I do get the AC argument. I do not think this park will age well.

  9. Well as a fan base we already have more great memories in the new ballpark IMO having won a World Series. I have been to a few college baseball games there, a World Series game, Home Run Derby, and a few regular season games. It has grown on me tremendously as I have made memories there.

  10. Love.the AC. The only thing i dont like is the all you can eat section is away from the food area

  11. Mallpark in Arlington. I don’t hate it, but it’ll never enter any serious conversation regarding best ballparks in baseball.

    Truth is this is probably the path going forward for newly constructed ballparks. Ballclubs are more of a business now than they ever were when their original stadiums were built.

    It would probably feel better with the roof open more. I’ve only attended 1 game with the roof open and it’s a pretty stark comparison.

    I think the ballpark excels at welcoming new fans since it’s just kinda mall-like. It doesn’t necessarily feel like a baseball stadium, but rather a stadium where baseball is played.

    I should reiterate again, I truly don’t hate it. The AC is such a luxury for our hot summers and it really is nice having top of the line amenities.

  12. I have been to over 70 games at the park and i have been to 4 roof open games. Went to 18 this year, from march to September, and it was never open. It feels so sterile, corporate, and generic in my opinion. I like the ac, but man is it boring.

  13. It’s comfortable, but the atmosphere is terrible. It’s dark and I don’t ever feel great in there. MMP has a white ceiling and balls don’t get lost up there. It would really make a difference if they at least lighten all the black.

  14. They needed the roof/AC but it’s a very uninspiring and uninteresting ballpark.

    Also, I absolutely loath the field level luxury boxes. They make even the best seats feel like they are far away from the field and I hate having to look at a bunch of pricks on their phones behind home plate when I watch on TV.

    And yeah it’s too dark.

  15. I thought it was pretty generic at first with nothing that made it “Rangers,” like a gigantic lifeless building that just happened to have a field in it. I think they’ve grown into it slowly and I enjoy going now, but it will never be one of the top parks in the MLB.

    It honestly sums up a ton of metroplex construction, lots of size with not much character in it. I hope that keeps changing over time.

  16. A/C is invaluable but there are 29 seating options which is a nightmare for trying to figure out where I want to sit. I went to one of the ’20 WS games and Opening Day ’21 and created a list of things I didn’t like, a lot of which was Covid or scoreboard related that has been resolved over the years.

    I don’t like the batter’s eye(though I do like the mariachi band area).

    I don’t like that the Rangers dugout is in the sun when the roof is open and there is a day game. Seriously what is wrong with owners getting the orientation of stadiums wrong in Arlington? Aren’t there consultants that look into that or something?

    There is so much separation from the seats and the field. It’s like the designers were told that crowd engagement was the lowest priority of the stadium and to keep the crowd as far from the field as possible.

    This one is going to be hard to explain but: Concourse traffic management. In the old stadium, on the upper levels, the food vendors were underneath the seats and the lines for them would stretch towards the outside, so if you wanted to move without getting caught in lines traffic you could get to the outside and move mostly unimpeded. In the new stadium the food vendors are on the outside so those lines mingle with the traffic of people getting to and leaving their seats and there is no where to go to move. You are just getting stuck. Very frustrating.

    Did I mention that the A/C is invaluable?

  17. It still feels like it has no character. But we probably wouldn’t have a ring without it. I will never not hate those suites behind home plate. Really kills the vibe when watching on TV

  18. it looks so much better with the roof open but all together it’s a pretty boring sports venue but obviously it was to protect everyone from the sun

  19. It feels like watching a baseball game in a Hard Rock Cafe, but Lord do I appreciate that roof.

  20. I disliked it at first because I loved the old ballpark. And then I went to a game in August and realized why it’s such a great venue.

  21. I dig it; it’s easy to get around, the AC kicksass in the hot summers and I just feel more attached to it now that they won a World Series.

  22. I miss the old centerfield grass area, other that that I like it overall. A/C is nice lol

  23. never been but it looks cool whenever i see it in the distance at ut arlington. plus we won a ring while playing there so it’s cool i guess.

  24. For as iconic as the state of Texas is and the pride it carries from its citizens and fans, it really dropped the ball on making an iconic stadium with character. If their only priority was to make it more bearable to watch baseball in the summer, then they nailed it.

  25. AC is great. I can take my family. It got LOUD while there for ALCS game 5 and World Series game 1. Bathrooms are cleaner (never worried before but my 5 year old touches EVERYTHING.)

    That is my list. I think it is sterile and does not come close to touching the greatness of the temple. I hate the fake grass. I still cannot stand the suites behind home plate. Walking the concourse is a beating when it is somewhat sold out. I can never understand anything Chuck is saying from my seats.

  26. I absolutely hated the stadium when they built it. I took a tour of the stadium this year to see the trophy and walk on the field. I have more respect for the stadium, but I still hate how it looks like a barn on the outside.

  27. Aside from the baseball aspect, which I’ve been to several games (not great, not bad)….DO NOT GO TO A CONCERT HERE. The acoustics in this place are horrible! I’ve been to 3 shows here (hoping the 2nd and then 3rd would get better) and just, no! You will leave highly disappointed. I have vowed not to return for a concert.

  28. Love the A/C. I don’t know how we did it before lmao. What I don’t like is how far away the seats feel. There’s not really as much player/fan interaction like at other parks

  29. I don’t love it. It’s uninspiring and designed to be a multi-use facility and not a ballpark. Love the AC, though. Season ticket holder, including the inaugural season, so I paid too much money for the right to bitch.

    Issues with the building itself:

    They cheaped out and put that light filtering opaque plastic shit most of the places they initially showed to be glass in the first renderings. It makes the building VERY dark and claustrophobic on the inside and makes the “this is a warehouse” vibe even stronger on the outside. This is an unforced error and is the main contributor to “this place feels weird to be in” vibe so many people express.

    They prioritized “technically being close as possible to the field” over all other considerations. This makes the seating sections VERY stacked on top of each other and VERY steep. The back half of the rows on main concourse level have impeded views from the overhang and feel like you’re looking at the game through a rectangle viewport. It makes everything dark and claustrophobic. And then, when you’re in the upper bowl, having to look down a steep pitched cantilever is unsettling.

    They put the most architecturally interesting element, the brick arches, 300 feet in the air in deep left field. You can tell they thought this was going to be a popular area based on all the renderings that featured this area, as well as each of those sections having infrastructure for concessions at the top. They thought these seats would be a cool party area, but they’re incredibly out of the way, and are the worst example of “this cantilever design triggers even the most minor of fear of heights in people” and they’re always the last seats to be chosen as the stadium fills up, and they never actually have any concessions up there.

    There aren’t enough bathrooms. I don’t know how they fucked this up in a brand new, modern stadium, but there are always lines for the bathrooms. Combine this with the increased pace-of-play in baseball these days, and a trip to the bathroom can mean missing 2 innings.

    Concessions are on both sides of the concourse, and the concourse gets unreasonably narrow at times, leading to a clusterfuck in even mildly well-attended events. This could be alleviated slightly, which brings me to my problems with the way the club uses the building…

    Half of the concession stands are always closed! And the ones that are open are a poor balance of what people actually want. Dollar hot dog night? Prepare to wait 20+ minutes in line just to get a still cold glizzy. Most of the concession workers are poorly trained and have no idea how to use the POS system. God forbid you try to get them to put your season ticket discount on the order. I’ve had workers straight up say “I don’t know how that works, sorry.”

    There is very little in the main field area that lets you know you’re at the home of the Rangers. When they don’t have the T painted on the field, the only permanent Texas Rangers branding is the T next to the Karbach porch. It gives “generic MLB The Show” stadium vibes.

    The in-game media experience is one of the worst I’ve seen in the league. The music straight up sucks. It has no bass, but has ear piercing high-end that gives everything a shrill, unsettling feeling. The patriotism displays are wildly excessive, and the conflating of military support and patriotism is uncomfortable. Our mascot is mid on his own, and the way we use him is bottom-tier. At least they don’t have their entire graphics package themed around Fortnite anymore.

    A lot of this can be fixed with better management of the facility and by opening the roof more often. More games where the light and city can come in. This doesn’t mitigate the overhangs, but it makes them a lot better. Have all of the concessions open so lines are shorter and the concourse isn’t as fucked. Find the damn EQ on your “state of the art” soundsystem and turn up the bass. Play music that is invigorating to someone other than 55 year old dads from Waxahachie.

  30. It’s a mall where a baseball game is also happening. It has no soul and it’s replacing one of the best stadiums in baseball with one of the worst.

  31. The phrase “Thanks, I hate it.” sums my thoughts up well.

    On the one hand, I fully acknowledge the direct correlations between a dome stadium being built and free agents being interested in coming here. I also acknowledge that we would not have won a title without this stadium. For that, I will always be grateful.

    But there is so much about it that just sucks. I mean… it’s awful.

    The asthetics are terrible. The outside looks like a pottery barn. The inside looks like a warehouse that someone put a field in. The food is mediocre, and WAY too high for what you get. The seats, no matter where I have sat, have felt miles from the field. The acoustics are not great. Chuck sounds fine, which is the important thing, but anything else they play sounds rough. Concerts are horrendous. I could go on.

    I’ll keep going at least a couple times a year, just because I love the team and the sport. But every time I leave that place and see the absolute cathedral next door. A place where baseball was meant to be played and sport to be worshipped.. it just feels like a kick in the balls. Maybe I’m in the minority, but I feel like we left a stadium on the level of Camden Yards, Dodger Stadium, Wrigley, etc. for a Pottery Barn.

  32. I’ve never been, so I’ll reserve my full opinion until I’ve gone to a game, but there are a few things I don’t like that I’ve noticed on TV.

    I don’t like the suites behind the plate. I prefer the brick wall, and I don’t think it’s a great look to have a suite full of disinterested people milling about behind home plate for the entire game.

    I miss the batter’s eye at the old ballpark. It was one of the best in the league and the only one (to my knowledge) where kids would run out onto it and fight for homerun balls. Now it’s just a wall. Great.

    Finally, the exterior of the old ballpark looked like a castle. The exterior of this place looks like a warehouse for farm equipment.

  33. Acoustics on the first base side 200 level are horrendous and so is the leg room. But I do enjoy sweat free viewing from June to September. Wish they’d open the roof more.

  34. I’m in the same boat. I really loved the old ballpark and didn’t warm up to the idea of the new stadium at all in the beginning. But now that I’ve had some years going to the new stadium, it is very nice to be comfortable at a ball game. I really like our ball park and it was the right decision.

  35. Dude it’s fucking awesome! Love the field and how easy it is to grab food and beer and very comfortable heck was stationed there and became a fan of TR even though I’m a Boston redsox fan TR is also my favorite 😁

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