Yankee Stadium Crowds Singing “New York, New York” — What a Cool Vibe

Yankee Stadium Crowds Singing “New York, New York” — What a Cool Vibe

  1. Is it just me, or are the Yankee Stadium crowds singing along to Sinatra’s “New York, New York” more than ever before after victories? It’s such a cool vibe. I know fans have sung along before, but I don’t recall such a strong voice or it coming across on tv. I wish the tv networks would show it in full.

    I hope this becomes a tradition.

  2. Are they throwing stuff at one another? It looks like things are being thrown in the beginning of the video.

  3. One of the top things I miss from going to games. Walking out singing with friends, family and every other Yankees fan was unparalleled.

  4. The singalong is more of a playoff thing.

    Also, obligatory petition to play “That’s Life” when we lose.

  5. The stadium should have the lyrics on the screen somewhere if they want people to sing. Most people I know mumble their way through it after the first couple of lines lol

  6. I went last night with my dad, we went up to the concourse with two outs in the ninth to beat the crowds, the elevator arrived right as the final out was made so we got real lucky and made it out in like a minute, but in the elevator they were playing “New York, New York” and everyone was singing along 

    Loved that

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