It was nice while it lasted

It was nice while it lasted

  1. Giants will be the giants. They will win 5 or 6 games and take themselves out of the QB derby. I predict they beat the eagles, lose the following 3 games, Jones is replaced sometimes in November and then win 2 meaningless games with lock.

    Voila, 5 or 6 wins. 

    Do we trade up, trade for, or purchase a QB? 

  2. Many players in NFL play through with injuries. AT decided this is a list cause with f’ing Daniel “no TDs” Jones as QB.

    If would rather get his surgery done heel and get prepared for next season. Bro took a business decision!

  3. Naw I’m still hopeful, truthfully we should continue to build OL depth in future drafts but I love what the effect of OL Coach Bricillo’s hiring has done for the team

    They need to lock him in.

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