Vikings Screwed. Refs “Couldn’t See” Sam Darnold’s Game Ending Face Mask

Vikings Screwed. Refs “Couldn’t See” Sam Darnold’s Game Ending Face Mask

Officials robbed the Minnesota Vikings of a chance to tie the game late vs the Los Angeles Rams after an egregious non-call of a face mask penalty. The ref’s explanation after the game was even worse.

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  1. Look, the Vikes are a mediocre team, like most of the teams. It should not shock anyone, that they lose games that could go either way. Superior teams almost always come out on top against the Vikes. Stop dreaming of a Super Bowl win, cuz it ain’t going happen.

  2. This does not prove the ref could have seen the facemask! He was still behind him and watching at 100mph. Which is completely different than what we get to see. He probably seen it late but could not determine if it was a facemask. Still a bad non call regardless, but most of you would miss 75% of the calls in the NFL if you were refs…

  3. I think the ref’s were suffering from flag fatigue at the end of the game, They were so wore out that just couldn’t pull one more out of their pocket. Stevie Wonder could’ve made that call!

  4. Who can really be surprised at this point.. the refs and NFL dont like us and they know who they like.. they screw who they dont like.. its the same screenplay over and over again just with a few changes to the side story so that they still keep the hopes high for most fans.. NFL is rigged so bad.. i went to sleep before the game and even knew this would happen.. NFL dont want us to win.. now they send in their Zebra army to make sure we go 8-9

  5. Kansas City playing here the blatant dishonesty with the officiating has got to go!! I get it you can't see everything but you've got to rest standing 5 ft away staring at the play there's no missing the face mask unless it's on purpose!

  6. Darnold played his best game since 1st half @ Green Bay. Just wished he'd run for it on 3rd and 4 instead trying to flip it on last FG drive. At least they didn't Give it away, Give it away, Give it away now. 😆 More worried about Defense now.

  7. The NFL should test AI officiating. They could safely recreate some controversial calls like this one and see how well AI spots the fouls. If it performs better than the refs, the NFL should phase out human refs.

  8. I'm not even a Vikings fan, and I was flabbergasted and outraged by the no call. Games can't come down to a ref claiming they "couldn't see" a blatant penalty that seals the game, especially when it is a scoring play that should be reviewable.

  9. Don't tell me these games are not scripted!!!!!!!!! Las Vagas controls the game… get rid of all the sports betting and we will fix the ref problem. I can understand if certain calls are not called as long as it is not called on both sides like grabbing JETS and tripping him, then the same for the RAMs but nope. The Vikings might not have deserved to win, but neither did the RAMS! What was with KOC's play calling so transparent. Run on First down, 2 yards, throw the ball… so hard for the RAMs defense to guess. It looked like KOC was trying to lose too, we know Hockenson and Risner are totally okay to play! KOC wanted to lose both the Detroit game and the RAMs game, so clearly scripted.

  10. 2 things. First of all, how the hell could he say he couldn't see it considering the defender ONLY grabbed the facemask. How else did he think Sam went down? The wind? Secondly, I don't want to hear the NFL say another word about player safety when they let a player almost get their head ripped off!

  11. NFL referees in general are terrible and got worse after the NFL became a partner with online gambling companies. Shame on them for allowing this travesty. There should be immediate and public response from the NFL to intentionally missing calls.

  12. The NFL needs like the college game someone in the booth that can buzz down to the field on plays like this. 2024 we have the technology. You’re right tho 6 points in 2nd half not going to beat many teams Let’s SKÖL

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