Stolen from instahabs Instagram account who some from someone else.
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*”This is a hard league.”*
From a non biased standpoint; the Habs players are awful. Watching them play Toronto last night was a real laugh. Not NHL hockey
I like this, well done to whoever did this.
The original is one of my favorite meme, and it fits pretty well.
Peewee st Louis!
Insert Homelander “Perfect” meme
He goes home every night and listens to Offenbach “Caline de Blues”
Hi there! It looks like you’ve posted an image. If this image is from an article, please provide a source. If it’s a meme, please ignore this comment. Thanks!
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*”This is a hard league.”*
From a non biased standpoint; the Habs players are awful. Watching them play Toronto last night was a real laugh. Not NHL hockey
I like this, well done to whoever did this.
The original is one of my favorite meme, and it fits pretty well.
Peewee st Louis!
Insert Homelander “Perfect” meme
He goes home every night and listens to Offenbach “Caline de Blues”
I made this! @HabsCollective on X.