I’m bored and some other subreddits have been doing this, so why not? Name me a player, coach, or whatever other Falcon that started trash and ended mid.

I’m bored and some other subreddits have been doing this, so why not? Name me a player, coach, or whatever other Falcon that started trash and ended mid.

  1. If this picks up any traction, I’ll most likely be taking the most upvoted comment’s answer after tomorrow.
    Squares have been numbered 1 to 9 for the order we’ll be filling them in, tried going from least to most interesting.
    Also, why did my eyes hurt making this

  2. Peria Jerry. Major injury rookie year. Low numbers generally throughout his career.

    The last year in the league he had his best sack year: 3.5.

  3. Vic Beasely. 

    Had a bad first season. Randomly exploded his second season, but settled into a very middling player.

    He wasn’t trash for us his last couple years, just dissapointing.  I believe he had 8 sacks his last year with us. We’d kill for that at this point lol. 

  4. Kaleb McGary started somewhere below mid and now he is somewhere above mid. Rasheed Hageman also comes to mind.

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