[Highlight] Mamu’s three 3’s | vs SAC 11.11.24 ||||| Mamu on being in the NBA: “It’s something you dreamed of as a kid so you cannot take it lightly. It’s the best job in the world, you’re in the best organization in the world…I just make sure I’m ready for my opportunity when it comes.”
[Highlight] Mamu's three 3's | vs SAC 11.11.24 ||||| Mamu on being in the NBA: "It's something you dreamed of as a kid so you cannot take it lightly. It's the best job in the world, you're in the best organization in the world…I just make sure I'm ready for my opportunity when it comes."
byu/Prize_Possession3899 inNBASpurs
Watching his teammates light up with joy when he hit those shots was wonderful. And the after game reaction as well. And wanted to work out for him so bad. Just seems like a lovable guy.