1. It seems my job here is done.


    We be having against Philly my friends. Go Sabres!

  2. Was really worried about the matchup today. Woke up in a sweat, mind spinning “Benson has over yhe last 10 games or no?”

    Now confirmed, Benson has. I’m peace 😌

  3. Does ANYONE ELSE think this is the dumbest shit? You can’t even visit the sub or the GDT without this shit all over the place…it’s a fucking typo…can this shit just die?

  4. At this point I think Zachary Benson has to has until we has at least one Stanley cup over the last 10 games.

  5. Chuck Norris hasn’t even over 10 games before. Therefore Benson》Chuck Norris


  6. Okay… Someone needs to get fired… How do you let this go on this long? I get the meme, but it’s been like 10 games with it specifically being Benson

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