Sabres reveal Gravy Boat promo for 11/27

  1. If someone could snag me one of these gems, it would be greatly appreciated. Sadly I’m a born and raised wny now in PA 🤮

  2. For a number of reasons I can’t get there for this game but if anyone will have a spare I will buy it from you.

  3. That is the most awesome thing ever. I ~~might buy a~~ bought tickets just for that.

    EDIT above.

  4. Love the fact that they’re not only hopping on this promo but also that there was a hype video for it.

    Also, kudos to this thread for no comments of “ThIS iS whAT wE’re FOcusED on?!” as of 11/20 at 2:19p. lol.

  5. Is it terribly irresponsible to buy a hockey ticket just for a gravy boat? Yes.

    Am I still going to do it? Yes 😀

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