Justin Tuck did not appreciate it

  1. Me and a buddy were at that game. The atmosphere there for a winless team was better than anything I’ve seen in Vegas yet. It was like wining the Super Bowl

  2. Man I was 15 celebrating this game like we won the super-bowl 😭😂 than they beat the 49ers you have no idea how happy I was in a school surrounded by salty niner fans that following day I miss Oakland 🥲

  3. Obviously wasn’t game winning since we had to take a fuckin timeout to save a penalty since those two were dancing in the backfield

  4. The first ever win I watched the Raiders get. Being a 12 year old watching that game, they’ll never be anything like that ever again for me. Probably my favorite memory as a Raiders fan.

    Also the next day I talked mad shit to my middle school friend group who was all Chiefs fans, so salty they got up and sat somewhere else during lunch

  5. Will never forget this exchange in the locker room afterwards:

    Charles Woodson: “Man, what the hell were you doing?”

    Sio Moore: “We were doing the handshake.”

    Woodson: “FOR TEN MINUTES???”

    Moore: “For nine minutes, yes.”

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