I’m guessing he’ll be back for the Hawks game at home?

  1. Just assume you’ll never see Khris again in this life time so we can stop being hurt by missed imaginary deadlines.

  2. Not surprised. We’re on a roll and the game is against the fucking wizards. makes sense to let this one pass for a bit of extra caution. I imagine we’ll probably put him back in on a home game for the theatrics 

  3. I hope he’s taking this time to build strength in his legs. Strength prevents injury.

  4. Why do we keep him, honestly? He misses more games than he plays it seems. Yeah he was good, but he could be the greatest player of all time that never misses a shot but if he can *never* play due to injury, what’s the point?

  5. If you google Bilateral Ankle surgery timeline for athletics it’s around a year (Google isn’t the best place I know). So I’ve always anticipated Khris being back in January at the earliest.

  6. That’s disappointing. I thought the wizard game would be the perfect time to give him some time to ease into the system and get back into it with the team.

  7. Wizards game would have been perfect. Not sure the team would throw him to the wolves and first game back be against the Celtics.

  8. I’m never going to assume Khris is playing until I actually see him out on the court in a game.

  9. RIP i got tickets for tomorrow’s game hoping to get a glimpse of him back in action even from the bench but i guess it is a good call to be precautious especially with the run we have been on

  10. I’m as big of a fan of Khris as anyone, but I’m starting to wonder if he will ever be back in a Bucks uniform 😔

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