Torts finds out that Michkov signed a bottle after getting throw out…

  1. Way to go you snitch… Torts better not have a problem with it. Giving it to the refs when deserved and being cool to fans is how you are loved in Philly.

  2. michkov is already earning us as his fans. honestly he had me as a fan as soon as i knew he would be on the team, but yk

    also im keeping a stats list on a google sheet with his game stats for the year when its done ill post some screenshots

  3. the media just really loves to stir shit up, don’t they

    i really wonder what tort’s trajectory is here. obviously the last couple seasons haven’t been “successful” from a wins and playoffs standpoint. but i would say that despite the complaints about one player or another getting ice time, young players are able to earn time on the team (Z, Andrae, Brink, obviously Michkov) and presumably there’s some development going on there. is that successful to Briere and management? is that successful to the people above Briere? does Torts have a plan where he’ll still be here once the team has turned the corner and is competing in the playoffs?

    i think the guy’s a great fit and would love to see that be his trajectory for the last however many years of his career. (dude’s 66, he can’t be planning on too many stops after Philly before retiring)

  4. I dont know man, he made several faces…you could see his brain processing it could have gone either way . Either, way to go kid or sigh, I need to have a talk with that boy.

  5. “Him doing what?!” Acting like he has no idea is amazing. Legit made me chuckle.

    I’d drink a beer with the dude.

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