1. 🤦🏻‍♂️if I can pay for taxi’s and Ubers during and after my nights out so can these assholes, literally no reason for this type of shit to keep happening

  2. I wanted him to be resigned as a depth piece but with this situation we need to resign Chaisson even more

  3. Let’s not “cut to make an example out of him” just so he can get picked up by another team and ball out. Just bench his ass for a few games and cut his pay for a short period of time

  4. This team needs to take a hard stance on DUIs. Not sure if that means cutting them because that seems to be an easy way for them to just go to a new team. But start making it financially painful for them.

  5. This is exactly why Lonnie Phelps was released earlier this year for getting a DUI while being a browns player and having the accident occur in Florida.

    The fact of the matter is Vegas is a party town and when people die there from players partying it tends to be a story. What is surprising about people saying it’s because of the city they are in. It’s still the common denominator. Party cities lead to players doing dumb shit. It’s even more obvious when it happens IN the city they play.

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