Juan Soto And Manny Machado Apparently Had A Bad Relationship On The Padres

Juan Soto And Manny Machado Had A Bad Relationship On The Padres

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Samuel Kim
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  1. Let's not forget the epic failure Bob Melvin was with the Padres. He completely failed the '23 Padres. He never got a control on the issues the clubhouse had and it spiraled. Schildt quickly corrected that and the less talented '24 Padres were way better off. Soto ended the year with good numbers for the Padres but most were number padding late in the year when they were out of the race. Good luck Mets. Great hitter. But something isn't right there.

  2. Good job NY, wasting more money on a guy no1 likes on their team cause hes gotta be the star.. besidss hes one if the most annoying batters in history.. that 💩 needs to stop

  3. Manny also clashed with Tatis that season. They may have had it coming, but Machado's style does rub some people the wrong way. Doesn't take anything away from him being a great player. That season, Melvin did a poor job of keeping that clubhouse on track. Last season, Shildt proved he was the right guy for the job, and Tatis grew up. Moving Soto was addition by subtraction.

  4. As a Mets fan I'm not happy a bit with this waste of money ,this guy is going to f— up the club house in city field. 2much money for a guy that all he does is offense that it, the guy don't steal bases, he's is average outfield and most important has no arm . the mets r doom for at least another 5 years when he op out, hopefully.

  5. I think Soto would’ve had a better career with NY. Aaron Judge is level headed and a true captain like Jeter and Soto would’ve been the pure talent like A-Rod and would’ve complimented each other well.

  6. I read that Yu Darvish and Machado actually have a really great relationship on the Padres, at least thats what Yu said in an interview. I wouldn't expect Soto and Machado to get along as they both have a large ego. Darvish also said that when he was in Texas, they gave him a hard time because he had his own routines and for a rookie, that was a big deal.

  7. ROFLMAO 🙄 You clearly don't know what you're talking about when you say Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle etc were good people! Your research is usually good…Suggest you look into their well documented behaviour 'as people' & I don't mean mlb & Yanks spin, because you are soooo far off 😉

  8. Damn Yankee fans don’t let things go. Leave the past in the past. You lost a generational talent that was on a one year lease. Let it go. 😂 No one knows nothing personal unless disclosed by the men themselves. End of the day everyone reaching now because homie is a Met. 💪

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