We are 8-2-0 in our last 10.
There is no shame in losing to the Devils.

I really would like to see us take the #1 spot in the Pacific Division, but I can’t deny this team is starting to look like a wagon. There is very little pain here.

Pain reduced to 1!

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  2. I mean there is a LITTLE shame in losing to the Devils – they’re kind of a bad team. However, 8-2-10 is very respectable. I just hope they don’t muck it up against the very awful Penguins and mediocre Caps.

    The org historically has good Decembers going into Christmas. It’s January when things get frosty for them (Sheng Peng, who now covers the Sharks, did a fabulous deep dive several years ago about the teams winter woes dating back to the beginning of their 50 year history).

    But yeah, it’d be great to close out the road trip with a pair of Ws.

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