THE HERD | Colin Cowherd SHOCKED, Minnesota Vikings Are NOT A Top 5 In The NFL

THE HERD | Colin Cowherd SHOCKED, Minnesota Vikings Are NOT A Top 5 In The NFL
#theherd #colincowherd #minnesotavikings

  1. Vikings fans are used to not getting any recognition or credit from the media and we honestly don't care. We like to be the quiet under dogs that people don't talk about.

  2. It's tunnel focus. They are still judging by past years/performance. They always bring up the 2022 Playoff where the Giants beat us. That was primarily due to Minnesota having the 31st defense that couldn't get Daniel Jones and Barkley off the field. First things First the other day exposed that Sam will never be off of Pumpkin Mode. Whenever Minnesota wins then the goalposts will be moved and more of a wait-and-see.

    Then there is the "application of different standards". Mahomes can pull off a win in close games all the time and he is praised for it. Darnold does the exact same thing and is criticized. Same thing with Goff. He threw 5 Interceptions and came back and won the game and was praised for it showing how good he was despite throwing that many ints. Sam did pretty much the same thing (only 3 interceptions) and was vilified for doing that and Pumpkin Mode is activated immediately.

    Once you are labeled you will never completely get rid of that moniker for both the team performance (4 Super Bowl losses) and the individual players. Minnesota is 7-1 at home and 5-1 on the road so they are balanced and will do fine if a wild card traveling.

  3. Just coming from a lifelong Vikings fan, I think what people who follow this team closely understand is that we are almost always a good team in the regular season. The Vikings never have terrible seasons or terrible stretches this is a team that is almost always in the playoffs, or at least in contention for a playoff spot year in and year out.

    This fan base has seen so many teams who look great in the regular season come out and s*** the bed in the first or second round of the playoffs. So that is the reason why we aren't celebrating just yet.

    Having said that, this season does feel different. And it was supposed to be a rebuilding Year anyway so this all kind of feels like house money, and yet I am cautiously optimistic that this team is built different than all those previous one and done teams

  4. Sam darnold don't have a chance soon as or if the Vikings lose they going to say I told you so I don't care even if he loses in the super bowl I told you so

  5. Its becuase of the brand, logo, and history. If this same team and coaches had the dallas star logo? Would be ranked 1 or 2 to win. But since its the vikes, the great team that always ends up not winning the super bowl, they get undervalued. I perfer it, lets be underdogs go out and shut up the nasayers, would rather have that then be expected to win as the 1 spot

  6. The thing is, he hasn't been this good his entire career. Was it mostly because of the teams he was on? Probably. Now that he's playing above that level people are trying to figure out if it's scheme or QB. Until he wins something big, like a playoff game, he won't be looked at as great by most of them.

  7. β€œ follow the money”
    The Evil Demographic’s

    Every man has a $$$$PRICE$ that is not affected by allegiance, ethics, right and wrong,,,

    So, JULIAN, there is thee culprit you are actually looking for,,,

    It has always been,
    Who ever bets thee most money, has thee say,,,”

  8. It's still happening disrespect all over we're 12 and 2 what do they want and I think we're playing better thinking better executing better and believe it or not we may be back at full strength with just a few sprains and bruises that's what the NFL needs to realize we're pretty healthy every game makes us smarter every game makes us better who cares what anyone thinks we know go Vikings

  9. I'm sorry I'm Prejudiced and I truly believe the situation the Vikings are in right now they are the best team in football everyone argues the Eagles but the Eagles have an exactly made their nest secure yet if they have to come to Minnesota they're going to fly home unhappy

  10. How dare you say that Vikings have as good a chance as any team in football especially if we win the NFC North by winning out you'd be a fool not to pick them to go to the Super Bowl

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