1. Pat waving his fingers showing what BoB would have looked like has me laughing so hard 😆🤣

  2. This doesn’t corroborate everything (Kenny Stills was thought to have been tailed at some point during his time here) but man, I feel like this statement validates a lot of attitude and perception we felt as fans

  3. Every time I hear someone hate on Easterby I feel nothing but happiness. Fuck that terrorist, thank god he’s gone. He can eat every dick!

  4. The crazy thing about Easterby was he ascended so high and was reeling in the money with literally no plausible explanation on his resumé to justify it. All he had to do was know his role and when to shut his mouth. But like the Roody-Poo he was, he just couldn’t stay in his place and fumbled a generational opportunity

  5. Was just thinking about him and the disaster he caused in Houston. So glad they got rid of that clown. Jack easterby has no business in football and will forever be a failure. Glad the Mcnairs finally listened to everyone else.

  6. This is why I’m shocked a lot of you forgave Cal so quickly. I still think he’s clueless, and Hannah had to come in and save his image.

    She’s a badass.

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