I miss this mfer.

  1. Made such a clutch catch on 4th down but his dumb fuck coach couldn’t figure out how to manage the clock 😭😭😭

  2. Nah we have a winning culture building with a confident Bryce i could see him wanting to come back

  3. He’d replace Thielen as Bryce’s favorite target INSTANTLY…

    He was a dawg from Day One

  4. Meh… he had occasional good plays on Carolina and always was a 1000 yard receiver, but never seemed to get us all the way.

  5. Bears fan again here,

    I’m down to trade the whole team away. Like man get yourself out of this stupid shit

  6. No thanks. He’s proven to be a head case and not worth the money. Why would the panthers go backwards?

  7. You could probably get him at bargain bin prices, considering the horror show of a year he’s had.

  8. He deserves better than his bum QB and shitty coaching. Obviously we weren’t great when he was here either but it wasn’t as bad as it currently is.

    Everytime I see DJ on the field he looks like he’s not going full speed, and then on the sideline he either looks like he doesn’t care anymore or he’s pouting because the offense can’t get anything going. Bring him home Dan

  9. Normally I don’t like retreads, but this would be intriguing.

    It’d be the first time he had an accurate QB and competent coach.

    If they keep playing the way they have, I can’t imagine him *not* having interest unless a win now team called first.

  10. I mean, why didn’t we trade all the djs we had for their dj. I think that is a fair trade 😉

  11. I would love to see DJ Moore back. That was one of the worst trades ever. He would dawg out with Young, seriously.

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