AFC west in a Nut shell

  1. The players wanted AP and everyone here said to keep AP because he’s a player’s coach. Nobody wanted Harbaugh and his personality. Next time Davis needs to grab a successful coach if he’s available and not listen to the players and fanbase. Players leave (Davante) and fans don’t know anything anyway.

  2. They all have great relationships with their QBs. Basically BFFs. Will take a while for us to get that.

    Payton + Nix

    Reid + Mahomes

    Harbaugh + Herbert

  3. The job is more than most understand, and they cannot really comprehend what that is until mid-season. It is why OCs and DCs have a better shot at transitioning to HC than position coaches. Coordinators tend to understand the juggling required to be the CEO, where position coaches are managing very little.

    I would only give Pierce another year if Ben Johnson or Vrabel are not available.

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