The Browns and city of Cleveland are officially at war over the proposed new stadium in Brook Park and it could get really ugly. Our own Tony Grossi is here to break down everything going on with the situation and where it will go from here.

  1. If anyone watched nfl Super Bowl winning Coach Cowher…..he said, 💯💥Browns owners NEED TO KEEP the stadium in CLE‼‼‼he also said, to bring Joe Flacco back to CLE!

  2. Haslems sports group is a business they don't care about Cleveland or the fans they care about dollars… Trying to shove a domed stadium in another town down our throats with ridiculous prices while the state of his football team is a disaster and the idiots running it

  3. New stadium idc where it’s at im tired of freezing and missing out on free agents no millionaire wants to play in cold you fans that want that old stadium are delusional

  4. If the court rules in Haslam's favor and find this unconstitutional they could move the team anywhere they wish. Cleveland and Cuyahoga County might really get burnt if its not careful

  5. If Mayor Bibb can somehow force the Haslams to sell the team, and the new owners come in and fire Paul DePodesta, Andrew Berry, and Kevin Stefanski, then I will make a recurring monthly donation to his political campaigns for the rest of his career! Period.

  6. Its political theater. Bibb knows he going to go down as the Mayor that lost the Browns so for political reasons he has to fight to save his reputation. This is ammunition for anybody that runs against him in the future to use , so he wants the people to see him exhaust every resource

  7. Benefits the Region? When you have sustained a company (Browns) for decades, why would the City of Cleveland want to divide up their revenue now? For the region, instead of their residents who supported the team for decades through taxes, land deals, and tax breaks?

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