The Carolina Panthers Defense Was a Disaster! Let’s Talk About It
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Chicken salad from chicken scratch? Not just everyone is elite talent like Luke, or TD, JP or MR or KG, to just mention a few. No matter who's in charge what really matters is who's on the field. Cheers!
4:39 Baker is better off not in Carolina. He did not want to be traded to us, told the Bengals GM / staff this was one of the places he did NOT want to be traded to. So, he came here with a bad attitude and thankfully we moved on from him quickly. He was not a dawg – more like a donkey / a$$.
I couldn't watch the Sunday game because I was doing family stuff for the holiday. However, what the heck could we have expected without Josie, Jaycee, Moton, etc. So many injuries. Whenever Josie isn't playing we get trounced – I like Josie Jewel.
8:45 Agree, I just don't love BY. He is our QB so I cheer for him, but his downcast / sad / woe is me body language and facial expressions are a total killjoy for me. I just do not get hyped up watching Bryce play, and that's OK. I likely never will. I have a "autheticity" b.s. meter, and I see right through his awkward comments and press statements. He is sort of a weird person, which is fine. Maybe he will come along in time. I hope so as we have to build out the Defense in this draft and free agency + get 2 more solid offensive threats.
22:03 Exactly, Chris. I keep saying "This year we are scoring TDs, and last year we could not even score 1 TD in many games". That alone is a huge improvement, and rebuilding an NFL franchise cannot happen overnight. We still have so many holes and positions with no "winners". I agree with the 4th caller, our coach abandons the run quickly. I see why in some cases, as all we have is Chuba and he is no Toldozer. We need 2 more backs with more physicality than Chuba to really run.