Via Data Driven Hockey on IG posted today. How do these numbers stack up to your opinion prior to viewing them?

  1. I just want to see them win games and atleast be in a game if they lose. The shutout losses are annoying but atleast the last two haven’t been that way. Granted both were pretty painful.

  2. Toronto doesn’t really impress me. I thinkt they’re the clear #5 or 6 team in the East.

  3. This really argues in the face of everyone saying the devils play down to their opponents. Everyone remembers when we lose vs a bottom feeder but not when we win, eh

  4. Yeah now that we are done with the Caps and Canes I don’t give a shit who we beat or who we lose to (except two remaining Rags games).

    But we need to win 3 out of every 4 games to get first seed. Losing two in a row is not ideal. Losing 3 in a row would hurt like a MF

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