Rough day in the Nation, but At least this Happened. Thoughts?

Rough day in the Nation, but At least this Happened. Thoughts?
byu/ProfessorFeathervain inraiders

  1. Davante wanted that so badly he asked to be traded. Happy to see him get what he wanted.

  2. I really really dislike Davantae Adams after the whole saga.

    Never shit on the Jersey.

    It’s all love for every raider but not the ones who cry and cry to be reunited with their jackass former teammate

  3. I dont really have any hate to him. He wanted to get off our shit ass team and go play with his friend. Didnt work out how he wanted it to but it is what it is. He gave us his best for 2 years and spent half of that time catching hospital balls

  4. I wonder if he was on the sidelines screaming about how he needs to get out of here cause he’s gonna get killed

  5. DA wanted a reunion with Rodgers and he got it. Now all he wants is the license number of that truck.

  6. How does everyone hate what this franchise did this year but mad at Tae for trying to better his situation. This group has a bunch of haters in it, personally I save most of mine for the chiefs and broncos not DC and DA. They gave it their all good night

  7. Ya’ll stupid. He did us a favor.  Another reason he left was so the Raiders won’t be on the hook to pay his outrageous contract and saved the team plenty of money. 

  8. I’m petty enough to enjoy a good laugh!

    As the old saying goes, you sleep in the bed you make.

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